AN IDEA, a title and there you are: a publication in a national or regional daily, a special interest paper or a booklet. It is just an opinion about journalists, who are arrogant enough to write books the world is not particularly waiting for. I admit to being guilty of the charge. The exhibits in Dutch are: Ondernemen in Pocket Formaat/Publisher OBR Rotterdam (A collection of interviews with Rotterdam entrepreneurs) and a book in PDF shape Schaken Tegen de Dood. Please go to to find this one.

I contributed texts to the books as mentioned below:
Wij Pakken Alles; honderd jaar Frans Swarttouw/Publisher Frans Swarttouw, ISBN 90- 9001522-1 (A jubilee edition about the history of a 100 years old Rotterdam bulk stevedoring company as written by the authors Koos de Gast, Bram Oosterwijk and Wim de Regt. I made the summaries of their contributions in English).
Bruggenliefde in woord en beeld – 2000 Jaar Beweegbare Bruggen by Janny Kok, an article for the magazine of the Technical University of Delft about movable bridges and their techniques, all over the world. ( sorry Dutch link only)
Het Wakend Oor, een eeuw Scheveningen Radio, a ‘book-shaped’ publication at the closure of the Dutch coastal station PCH Scheveningen Radio, late 1998, after 95 years of service. A co-production with Dutch historian Astrid van der Werf and others.
Rotterdam ‘city with a heart’ is a book of photographs by Rotterdam-based photographer Paul Martens. He invited me to write the text, describing Rotterdam and its many facets. The languages the book ‘speaks’ are Dutch and English. Rotterdam ‘city with a heart’ is for sale. ISBN 90-75860-02-1
100 Jaar Zuider Volkshuis/De Brink A book full of memories about a community centre in the British lookalike Garden City district Tuindorp Vreewijk. I wrote up the interviews.
SHIP 2040; Pioneers in the Maritime Sector was initiated by CSR Netherlands (MVO Nederland). It provides a collection of sustainable innovations within the Dutch maritime sector. Translator NL/ENG Janny Kok.
Schaken Tegen de Dood; is about my experience as the partner of my dearest who got colon cancer and metastases in the liver. The main question is this: what happens in the medical world that is cancer-related in terms of treatment, research and development and its emotional aspects. The PDF file can be downloaded from this website.